
Teenage Romance

Zane Drees (Greensboro, NC)   Teenage Romance shows a repeated cycle of failed romantic relationships and the way I felt I was letting my old love interests have power over me. After showing this to others I realized it’s a…


Maria Del Pilar Lopez-Saavedra (Colombia) While reading Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Politics of Performance by José Esteban Muñoz I started thinking more deeply about the labels that I identify with, focusing on the label “Colombian” rather than the…


Peter Haugen (Davidson, NC) Until very recently, I found great comfort in concealing my sources of shame and strife from other people. Most of the time, the idea of exposing my feelings or my secrets was unthinkable, but sometimes I…

‘Queen Of’ Series

Benjamin Thrash (Athens, GA)   Queen of Sass and Sequins Queen of Spotlights and Suffering Queen of Passion and Pain Queen of Rage and Rhinestones

A queer funeral

Yu Shijie (New York, NY) We can die differently and fabulously. When I was in high school in China, my English teacher told me that I have to learn to not to be gay otherwise I will go to hell…


Image: Pharoah Egbuna (Durham, NC) Poem: Rashida James-Saadiya (Durham, NC) I’m not seeing spirits they live here under skin embedded in bone    a constant reminder there are white jackets lurking beyond your door don’t move they will smell you…


Maria Del Pilar Lopez-Saavedra (Colombia) MORENX is a wall installation of a (self) portrait created by black text on white paper nailed to the wall that describes “my” body. Although MORENX is a self-portrait, the identity created by the text…